

Department of History


Current Research Activities

At present I am working on a book on Roman counterinsurgency. The main issue I am exploring is whether the modern understanding of counterinsurgency (and revolution in general) can be applied to ancient times (i.e. are they universal)? 下一个 is a textbook on military technology and its role in world history. 这里的问题是 is whether "military revolutions" are real or simply a cultural affect, and how new military technology impacts different societies (again the issue of universality).


Research 连接s to Current 事件

One advantage is the benign neglect which has allowed me to pursue various topics without being criticized for “poaching” or too much of a generalist. 另一方面 hand, 菠菜网lol正规平台 shows an almost criminal negligence in terms of support for research. 在那里 really needs to be a .2用于研究. Otherwise, we will continue our slide into mediocrity.


Personal 连接s to Research

Part of this is the influence of my father, a History 教授 who had a long military career, but also my own interest and experiences, including my six years in the Army 国民警卫队. In addition, there is both a historiographical drive, my opposition to postmodernism and what I see as a kind of quasi-Marxist attitude (not really pacifistic, but lauding “revolutionary” war and criticizing “imperialist” war). Tied to this is the idea of cultural relativism and Third Worldism, which I think has been very harmful not only to academia, but hurts the very people it purports to support.