


Sociology and Interdisciplinary 社会科学s

Current Research Activities

I am currently working on a survey of Santa Clara county population regarding interest in Persian/Iranian culture and their opinion on the Nuclear Accord with Iran. 这 is funded by a grant from the Roshan Cultural Heritage Institute. I am collaborating with Melinda Jackson and Persis Karim. My RSCA award is for qualitative research that examines the effects of media framing on the social construction of two narratives of mass killings: Islamic Terrorism and the L一个 Mass Shooter discourses.

Research 连接s to Current 事件

I have been able to collaborate with colleagues who are interested in the Middle East/Afghanistan and Iran in research and grant writing.

Personal 连接s to Research

As the cliché goes, write about what you know. My research interests come from my Middle Eastern, Islamic/Persian culture and feminist 认识论.