

The 再生能源期货研究所 is an intergenerational community-based collective of Black and other Indigenous co-conspiratorial educators, elders, healing practiti一个rs, 记忆工作者(研究者)和敬爱的社区. 我们的集体经历了 timely intersections of community engagement, education, and research that highlight the psychological, emotional, and physiological impacts of anti-blackness and colonization.

We are connected in our efforts to counter the forces that destabilize our self-determination and we are rooted in educational pathways towards futures that are in the right relation 我们祖先和文化的存在和认知方式. 我们寻求重建未来 通过记忆,研究,实践和服务.




CRC is committed to grounded practice and service; we build and connect with elders, 年轻人、基层集体和自治社区空间(“网络”) supports”) in an effort to support and sustain community-centered praxis (care work).

This year, the CRC is engaged in a listening campaign with residents of the East San Jose community with the goal to better understand how San Jose State University can 加强对东圣何塞居民的支持和联系. 科研人员 will meet monthly with community stakeholders to listen critically to the concerns of East San Jose residents; the project leverages financial support and university accountability from San Jose State University to support the existing community-based 程序s that protect and extend the life of the rich, culturally dynamic milieu that 是东圣何塞.



As a means to seed and tend to our protection, BFL supports ongoing research and memory 扰乱了影响黑人未来的政策和做法. 

This year, the BFL is developing a Black Wellness Framework to disrupt racial/ethnic health disparities and improve perinatal outcomes in an Oregon-based birth initiative 程序.



TUC与了解学校教育局限性的梦想家合作. 有了这个基础 tenet, TUC advances the movement for school abolition and enlivens educational pathways 支持青年拥抱他们神圣的目标和自主决定的未来.

This year, the UC is working with educators in the San Francisco Bay Area to observe the relationship between teacher’s health, their classroom practices and their students’ wellness when selected teachers are immersed in a year-long series of monthly health-based 研讨会. 该研究测量健康教育效果的一种方法 教师的干预是通过端粒的研究和测量. 慢性 alterations in the stress response can lead to high and sustained levels of stress 激素(e.g. 皮质醇),导致细胞加速老化,从而缩短 端粒长度(Geronimus等). 2006). 端粒是染色体上的保护帽 防止细胞退化. 研究将端粒的延长联系起来 以同情为基础的实践(Hoge等). al, 2013). 除了端粒测量, the study will analyze changes in classroom practice, teacher self-perception of wellness 以及青少年对健康的看法在一个学年的过程中.












Dr. 翡翠邓普顿

Dr. 翡翠邓普顿

Dr. 翡翠邓普顿 is an equity-minded scholar-practiti一个r with expertise in organizational 领导、辅导和学生事务. 她的工作横跨战略规划 and 程序 management, instruction, and research with values deeply rooted in care, 同情和承诺,以边缘化学生为中心. 她目前担任 as an administrator over educational partnerships at a California 社区 College where she focuses on strategic 程序ming to support success for in-transition and hyper-marginalized学生. 她的研究重点是重视多样性的逻辑, 黑人女权主义,以及面临交叉压迫的女性.



我们生活在我国科技巨头的中心. 然而,有一个明显的差距 between a privileged population that thrives in Santa Clara County and a larger population that faces insurmountable obstacles with fortitude and resolve as individuals strive 迈向个人富裕. 我认为每个人都应该得到公平的待遇 有机会通过高等教育实现自己的抱负.
我是来自下加利福尼亚特科洛特斯的第一代墨西哥裔美国人. I 成为了美国.S. 公民行使我的权利,投票支持将会改善的倡议 所有加州人的生活条件,无论其居民身份如何. I completed the credential 程序 at San Jose State University and have returned to 获得教育学硕士学位. 我目前在一个文化丰富的 米尔皮塔斯的一所中学. 我的学生研究了我国社会不平等的历史 and the civil rights leaders who advocated for social transformation, as well as those 今天是谁继续激励着我们. 当我看到我的学生时,我看到了有效的社区 leaders who organize with purpose, entrepreneurs who aren't afraid to dream big, and 敢于表现出同理心的善良的人.



During her youth, Eden saw how quickly the effects of gentrification–due to the influx of corporations in the Bay Area–changed her once multi generational and vibrant community. Eden became even more grounded in building equitable communities by the educators, 她身边的治疗师和看护人. 本科期间,她一直在工作 as a case manager for individuals experiencing vehicular houselessness and further 培养了她以股票为导向的心态. 在此期间,她也认识了一些 of the limitations of a racial lens to service provision for Black individuals seeking 他们自己的支持. 有了这些,她很高兴能继续为黑人服务.



I am some一个 who often finds myself drawn to and affiliated with 正义 and liberation 为中心工作. 我希望黑人、棕色人种和酷儿的未来根植于治愈, love, and community and I try to move through life with those things at the center. I am a writer, relationship builder, and a person who holds space for folks to come 他们本来的样子.



马塞洛·克拉克是来自湾区的非裔波多黎各人,菲律宾人. 他收到了他的 加州大学洛杉矶分校社会学和非裔美国人研究学士学位. 他的作品质疑白人 在洛杉矶的非裔散居宗教空间中. 他的精神基础 work with community organizations has built his vision for equitable communities and 正义.



Alina is an undergraduate student at San Jose State University pursuing two degrees, 一个是社会学,一个是墨西哥人研究. 她对民族研究很有热情 她希望在上海大学之外继续深造,成为一名民族研究教师.



As an Ethnic Studies teacher at a public high school in the Oakland Unified School District, I constantly find myself negotiating the contradictions of teaching liberating content in a system that requires the use of carceral logics and dehumanizing pedagogies 为了“办好教室”.“我最初发现自己在教室里是因为 I was interested in how our literacy journeys can shape our identities as well as how learning how to “language” in specific ways can be consequential to our life trajectories. However, my work mentoring students in the Boston Public School District, as a master’s student in Language and Literacy 教育 at BU and now as an English/Ethnic Studies teacher in OUSD has continued to bring me back to larger questions about the systems 我们被要求学习并与年轻人建立关系. 作为一名IRF成员 I hope to be in community with others in which we center relation and care in the work of researching and resisting the experiences created by the systems we live under.



谢丽尔是多萝西的女儿,阿特利亚的孙女. 她来自 一群坚强、有创业精神的女性敢于梦想更好的生活. Sheryll 最近实现了她完成学位的梦想. 她以优异的成绩毕业 于2022年5月从加州大学默塞德分校毕业,获得心理学学士学位. 谢丽尔目前是 在申请研究生院的过程中,以成为一所学校为目标 缺医少药社区的治疗师.


如果您有任何其他问题,请发电子邮件 此举.marie@hpchina360.com.